I had a birthday a while back. A milestone birthday, in that it ended with a zero.
So today I was heating water to make a cup of tea. As the water heated, I moved quickly through the house to find my cup, so I could drop another teabag into it. I had to be quick, because I'd set the microwave for a minute, and I wanted to have my cup ready when it beeped. I knew which cup I'd been using all morning... but it wasn't in any of the usual spots.
Bah. Hell with it. I got a clean cup and dropped a tea-bag in, just as the microwave beeped. (Timing!!)
And when I opened the microwave door...
there was the cup I'd been looking for.
Full of tea. Hot tea. A full cup of tea, which I'd been re-heating, as I'd left it steeping on the stovetop a little too long, and it had gotten a little cooler than I prefer.
Steeping, because I'd made it, as I always do, with an electric kettle. I have never once made tea in a microwave. Not only is it an enormous waste of energy to boil water in one of those things, the times I've drunk tea made this way at someone else's home, it makes the tea taste weird.
(Yes, it does. Does too.)
But in my addled and distracted, soon-to-be-senile, post-milestone brain, I'd managed to morph "re-heating tea in mug in microwave" to "preparing fresh cup of tea in kettle".
So today I was heating water to make a cup of tea. As the water heated, I moved quickly through the house to find my cup, so I could drop another teabag into it. I had to be quick, because I'd set the microwave for a minute, and I wanted to have my cup ready when it beeped. I knew which cup I'd been using all morning... but it wasn't in any of the usual spots.
Bah. Hell with it. I got a clean cup and dropped a tea-bag in, just as the microwave beeped. (Timing!!)
And when I opened the microwave door...
there was the cup I'd been looking for.
Full of tea. Hot tea. A full cup of tea, which I'd been re-heating, as I'd left it steeping on the stovetop a little too long, and it had gotten a little cooler than I prefer.
Steeping, because I'd made it, as I always do, with an electric kettle. I have never once made tea in a microwave. Not only is it an enormous waste of energy to boil water in one of those things, the times I've drunk tea made this way at someone else's home, it makes the tea taste weird.
(Yes, it does. Does too.)
But in my addled and distracted, soon-to-be-senile, post-milestone brain, I'd managed to morph "re-heating tea in mug in microwave" to "preparing fresh cup of tea in kettle".
Labels: domestic bliss, fifty plus, reality bites
i just remembered this blog! but was hoping for months and months to catch up on...:-(
Jenny UK, at 2:28 p.m.
Welcome to the 50 club! xx
Unknown, at 2:35 p.m.
تنظيف كنب وسجاد مع التعطير بالمدينة المنورة
غسيل الكنب والسجاد واطقم الباطرمة فى المدينة المنورة
افضل شركة تنظيف كنب بالمدينة المنورة مع التطهير والتعطير
غسيل كنب وسجاد بالمدينة
افضل شركة تنظيف كنب وسجاد بالمدينة المنورة
ارخص شركة غسيل الكنب بالمدينة المنورة
تنظيف الكنب والمفروشات من سجاد ومجالس وموكيت بخصومات30% بالمدينة المنورة
طرق تنظيف الكنب بالمنزل
1-يمكنك التخلص من الأتربة الموجودة بالكنب والعمل على تلميعه و يجب أن تضع الكنب ذو الألوان الزاهية في غرفة المعيشة للحفاظ على الكنب نظيفا أمام الضيوف.
2-استخدام شامبو مخصوص لتنظيف الكنب فهو مخصص لتنظيف قماش الكنب و شراء ملمع أخشاب في حال وجود جزء مصنوع من الخشب في الكنب.
3-في حال انسكاب كوب قهوة أو شاي يجب مسح البقعة مع رش الجزء الموجود به البقع ببعض الملح و استخدام فرشاة لتزيل الملح و سوف تلاحظين إختفاء البقع نهائيا.
4-يمكن استخدام معطر خاص بلكنب يدوم فترة طويلة فهو يعطي شعور بالإنتعاش و يجعل الضيوف سعداء.
Nashwa Mostafa, at 7:02 a.m.
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